
Read more on How Precast Concrete Can Safeguard BC Communities from Wildfires

How Precast Concrete Can Safeguard BC Communities from Wildfires

In recent years, British Columbia has seen an alarming increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires, largely due to climate change and prolonged droughts. These fires have destroyed homes, uprooted communities, and put countless lives at risk. As wildfires become a growing threat, finding fire-resistant building materials is critical for protecting communities and infrastructure.…

Read more on Save Time And Speed Up Your Build with Precast Concrete
TagsConcrete, Precast Products

Save Time And Speed Up Your Build with Precast Concrete

In the fast-paced world of construction, efficiency is paramount. Meeting deadlines without compromising quality can be a challenge, particularly in regions with extreme weather conditions, such as Northern BC and Alberta. Wilson Concrete offers a solution that not only addresses these challenges but also enhances the overall construction process: precast concrete. The pressure is on…

Read more on Manholes – An Integral Component To Efficient Underground Systems

Manholes – An Integral Component To Efficient Underground Systems

They’re often overlooked, stepped on, and maybe even cursed at when causing a detour. But beneath the unassuming covers lie a workhorse of our urban infrastructure: manholes. These seemingly simple structures play a crucial role in keeping our cities running smoothly. They act as the hidden access points to a complex network of underground utilities…

Read more on Hot weather concrete curing
TagsConcrete, Precast Products

Hot weather concrete curing

Mitigating the Effects of Hot Weather on Concrete: Products to Cure Cement in High Temperatures The weather is starting to heat up, which means that construction season is in full swing! For contractors working with concrete, this can mean curing problems. Any professional who has placed and finished concrete understands that the prevailing environmental conditions…