Wilson Concrete is launching our new precast concrete root cellar. Fast, efficient, durable; with 269 cu ft of total storage space. Our root cellar comes with two compartments, floor drains, and venting to help control humidity and temperatures. All you need to do is dig a hole as per our drawing dimensions and we will deliver and set your new precast concrete root cellar.
Download Root Cellar Shop Drawing: Root Cellar 1300-Gal Tank STK-1300-2C PRC-R1
This is the simplest, strongest, most effective way to build a root cellar giving you more time to focus on your gardening, canning, and everything else. No rot, pest resistant, and worry-free, you can have a functioning root cellar installed and ready to go in an afternoon.
As food costs have risen, so has the popularity of root cellars. The pandemic, global supply chain issues, inflation, and natural disasters continue to ratchet up pressure on the food supplies leading to shortages and price increases. These steep increases have caused many Canadians to change their food-buying habits and adjusted their relationships with food. Many people are re-discovering traditional practices such a home gardening, canning, and preserving; our root cellars are designed as a simple and effective way to enable these practices.
Wilson Concrete is proud to work with our rural clients to encourage efficient, effective, and sustainable products that make their lives easier. We are here to support the resurgence of traditional practices through quality and innovation that are built to last.
If you are considering a root cellar to store produce in, our precast concrete root cellars are perfect for you. Please contact us for additional information or to receive a quote.