About Wilson
Wilson History
For over 45 years, Wilson Concrete has been Fort St. John and the surrounding area’s complete ready mix and precast concrete supplier. We’re proud to be locally owned and operated, and to ensure quality work on every job we undertake in Fort St. John, Yukon, Peace River Region, Northern BC and Western Alberta. Over the years, we’ve delivered exceptional results to municipalities, urban construction crews, as well as the oil field construction industry. We’ve also helped provincial governments and rural clients with all their concrete needs. When you choose Wilson Concrete for residential or commercial work, you’ll benefit from a highly experienced team committed to excellence.
Come see us today in Fort St John, visit our Prince George distribution yard or Grosso Precast, our manufacturing facility in Williams Lake.
Our Mission Statement
At Wilson Concrete, we pride ourselves on giving the personalized service that only a small company can provide. We base our company standards on quality and dependability, and we firmly believe in “Satisfaction Guaranteed.”

Code of Standards
National Precast Concrete Association Code (NPCA) of Standards of Conduct. We, the members of the National Precast Concrete Association, affirm the following as our joint and individual responsibilities and goals:
To maintain the highest standards of truth, accuracy, fairness and good taste in all activities
To conduct our business so that we will be a credit to our family, community and our industry
To strive to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, along with current product specifications
To utilize advancing technology to produce products that meet the highest standards of quality
To endeavor to deal fairly with all employees, and to provide for their safety and welfare
To be informed about and to offer our vigorous support to sound legislative proposals affecting our industry, community and country
To support the free enterprise system and the democratic way of life it provides, we pledge our support to our associates at all levels
To follow the current convention guidelines, as established by the NPCA Board of Directors, for the benefit of all concerned parties
This Code of Standards of Conduct for members of the National Precast Concrete Association has been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards for the precast concrete industry. Adherence to these standards is required for membership in the association and serves to assure public confidence in the integrity and service of NPCA members.
Quality Testing
To ensure the highest quality product, Wilson Precast has chosen Wood Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions to handle all of our quality testing needs.
Concrete strength is monitored and tested daily to ensure all specifications are met. The end product in construction depends on the quality of materials, construction practices, and the level of care and quality control in the manufacturing process.
Wood’s Construction Support Services are directed at enhancing the quality and value of our precast products. Wood field technicians are certified by CSA International for field sampling and testing of concrete – in fact, Wood’s labs, located in Prince George and Burnaby, have been examined and certified by CSA International under Standard A283 “Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories.”
Wilson Precast is proud to depend on Wood, a professionally recognized concrete Quality Control/Quality Assurance testing agency that meets increased regulatory requirements.